Armies are tools of violence;

They cause men to hate and fear.

The sage will not join them.

His purpose is creation;

Their purpose is destruction.

Weapons are tools of violence,

Not of the sage;

He uses them only when there is no choice,

And then calmly, and with tact,

For he finds no beauty in them. Whoever finds beauty in weapons

Delights in the slaughter of men;

And who delights in slaughter

Cannot content himself with peace.

So slaughters must be mourned

And conquest celebrated with a funeral.

  1. Shapes

The Way has no true shape,

And therefore none can control it.

If a ruler could control the Way

All things would follow

In harmony with his desire,

And sweet rain would fall,

Effortlessly slaking every thirst.

The Way is shaped by use,

But then the shape is lost.

Do not hold fast to shapes

But let sensation flow into the world

As a river courses down to the sea.

  1. Virtues

Who understands the world is learned;

Who understands the self is enlightened.

Who conquers the world has strength;

Who conquers the self has harmony.

Who is determined has purpose;

Who is contented has wealth.

Who defends his home may long endure;

Who surrenders his home may long survive it.

  1. Control

The Way flows and ebbs, creating and destroying,

Implementing all the world, attending to the tiniest details,

Claiming nothing in return.

It nurtures all things,

Though it does not control them;

It has no intention,

So it seems inconsequential.

It is the substance of all things;

Though it does not control them;

It has no exception,

So it seems all-important. The sage would not control the world;

He is in harmony with the world.

  1. Peace

If you offer music and food

Strangers may stop with you;

But if you accord with the Way

All the people of the world will keep you

In safety, health, community, and peace.

The Way lacks art and flavour;

It can neither be seen nor heard,

But its benefit cannot be exhausted.